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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Trendy and Poser Bisexuals

I'm going to try and make this rant very direct. I'm getting very tired of all the trendy and poser bi's.

There's a line for everything, and humanity definitely crossed that line when being bisexual became a trend. I don't know if it's because of the increase of "gay pride" over the last couple years, decades, whatever. Or if it's just because of an increase in sheer stupidity.
Unfortunately, my guess is the last one.

Now it's especially funny how most people see being bi as an excuse to be little whorebags.
It's sad (but funny) that a good, large chunk of the youth of today are REALLY that desperate.

It really does baffle me as to how something like sexuality can be transformed into a trend. It must be absolutely terrible to be associated with a bunch of meatbags if you're genuinely bisexual. Totally brought down by a population of retards.

Just remember boys and girls, if you think you're confused, alone and/or bisexual, then you need to gtfo because chances are you've been hanging around too many retards.

Any they say it's cancer that kills people..

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